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張偉賢是英國皇家地理學會傑出會員、探險傢俱樂部成員,也是極地探險和冰川學領域的先驅。 Wilson被探險傢俱樂部選為 2022 年改變世界的 50 名探險家之一,他對極地研究和探險成就的承諾得到了全球認可。 作為國際北極科學委員會(IASC)和南極研究科學委員會(SCAR)的成員,他在協調和促進兩極地區的科學發現方面發揮著至關重要的作用。 Wilson以其在極地地區的專業知識而聞名,他對南極和北極大陸的熱情推動了他非凡的職業生涯。 這些地區不僅是他的目的地,也是他的家。 它們是他生活中不可或缺的一部分,他每年都會在這裡度過長達 5 個月的時間。

除了對極地科學的貢獻之外,他還制定了一個雄心勃勃的目標:攀登阿爾卑斯山的每座 4000m 山峰。 Wilson在 82 項中達到了 78 項,他的目標是引起公眾對迅速融化的阿爾卑斯山冰川的認識,並預測這些雄偉的景觀可能會在 2050 年之後不復存在。

Wilson來自充滿活力的香港城市,他不顧自己的城市成長,成為一名專注的探險家。 自 2011 年以來,他已在極地地區度過了 1,000 多次野外考察日,確保為國際遊客和研究人員提供安全的荒野體驗。 他與極地的連結不僅限於指導; 它延伸到與東格陵蘭當地獵人一起生活,吸收他們的生活方式。

除了指導角色之外,Wilson還是一名冰川學家,致力於揭開極地冰層的神秘面紗,以增進我們對這些關鍵環境的理解。 他的努力延伸到負責任的旅行倡導,倡導永續實踐並鼓勵旅行者負責任地與自然聯繫。


探索我們網站的「我們的承諾」部分,更深入地了解 Wilson 對促進道德和正念探索的奉獻精神。 與我們一起支持極地探險家、冰川學家和全球倡導者張偉賢 (Wilson Wai Yin Cheung),他將繼續探索、保護和塑造地球極地地區的故事。




Himalayan Leader (Nepal Mountaineering Association),  Mountaineering craft (Level 3), Sport climbing & Rock climbing (Instructor), Orienteering (Level 2), Ice climbing (CMA), High Event Challenge Course Instructor (Association for Challenge Course Technology), Leave No Trace Trainer, SRT Caving (French Cave Association), Nordic Ski instructor, Winter outdoor educator (NOLS), Avalanche (Level 1)

Kayaking (Advance Level, Canoe Life Guard), Sailing (Level 3), Windsurfing (Basic), Skin diving Instructor, Scuba diving Advance level(PADI), Powerboat (RYA)

Private Pilot License Airplane (EASA) , International Pilot A licence (Paragliding), Skydiving (USPA),more than 700 field days->1000 field days

Wilderness First Responder (WMA), Bronze medallion, Training of Basic Life Support Provider and AED (ERC), Kayak Lifeguard, Fire Safety Ambassador




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Alex Chavanne

Polar Expedition Specialist 


Comfortable leading and navigating wilderness hikes through bear country, Comfortable lecturing and speaking in front of large audiences, Familiarity and academic background with flora and fauna of multiple regions

Proficient in identification of marine wildlife of Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Comfortable and able to teach basic to advanced paddle strokes and techniques, Proficient in self-rescue and roll techniques, in rough, dynamic water, Proficient and experienced in all standard sea kayak safety procedures, including rescues, cold environment operations, and medical emergencies, Comfortable and competent zodiac driver with experience in high wind and dense ice, 10-18 pax, up to 80hp, Senior Polar Tourism Guide certified by the Polar Tourism Guide Association, ACA level three kayak certificate, USCG captains license, 100-ton near coastal • FCC Marine Radio Operator Permit

Bachelor’s degree in environmental studies from University of California Santa Cruz

Alex Chavanne



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Eric Wong 是一位來自香港的登山家和紀實攝影師,專門從事阿爾卑斯山、喜馬拉雅山和極地地區的風景、登山和野生動物攝影。


2016年,他成為昆布攀岩中心第一位畢業的外國人,並與當地其他夏爾巴登山者一起獲得專業攀冰運動員資格。 2017年,他開始了在各山脈的攀登計畫。 2017-2018年間,他成功完成了艾格峰、阿爾卑斯山馬特宏峰、極速攀登北美最高峰德納利峰(6190m)等多項非凡項目; 單人攀登冬富士(3778m); 單人攀登冬島峰(6189m); 並單人攀登Ama Dablam (6812m)。


2019年,Eric開始了他的極地嚮導職業生涯,在北極和南極地區工作。 作為一名紀實攝影師,Eric 的作品曾發表在《國家地理》、Leica Fotografie International Gallery Master Shot 以及多本旅遊和戶外雜誌上。

Eric Wong

Polar Expedition Specialist 


Comfortable leading and navigating wilderness hikes through bear country, Comfortable lecturing and speaking in front of large audiences, Familiarity and academic background with flora and fauna of multiple regions

Proficient in Adobe software and documentary wildlife photography filming in extreme wild environments. Proficient in Alpine mountaineering including rock and ice mixed climbing, and crevasse rescue techniques. Comfortable and competent zodiac driver with experience in high wind and rough seas in dense ice. Proficient in marine wildlife of Antarctica and Norwegian Greenland Arctic. 

Bachelor’s degree in Photojournalism and  Documentary photography from the University of Art London.  Mountaineering and ice climbing rescue at advanced Level from Khumbu Climbing Center

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